Kisnána is situated at Mátraalján 25 kilometres far from Gyöngyös, approximately. Referring to a historical source from the year of 1445, it was mentioned as a castle and its erection was probably in the 11th or the 12th century. Later in the middle of the 15th century it was fortified with an outer wall, through the moat a wooden bridge spans over to the massive gate tower. In the first part of the 16th century the notorious thief László Móré controlled and corrupted the castle to a robbers’ dent after the defeat at Mohács (1526) when anarchic party fights raised. As a true turncoat he served the party who offered more than the other so he severally time-served the king János Szapolyai (1526-1540) and the King Ferdinánd Habsburg (1526-1564). In addition, he forayed the Turkish caravans that were heading towards Buda. Consequently, the pasha of Buda ordered the retaliation and stroke on the castle with a massive army and successfully occupied it. The thief was punished by putting him in the prison of the Seven Tower in Istanbul. In the second part of the 20th century the castle was renovated ant considered to be the most significant monument of the region. The castle museum displays the history of the castle through the findings of the excavations. The fine vines and friendly hospitality are attractive features of the area.
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